Motion Tracking

MRMC Polymotion Chat Pro | Simple automated PTZ tracking for 1 camera


Polymotion Chat Pro

Simple automated PTZ tracking for 1 camera

Product Code: MRMC803301

Suggested Retail Price £1860+VAT

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Kit List

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  • Simple automated PTZ tracking for 1-3 cameras
  • Real-time automated control
  • Slow, gentle movements, like a cameraman
  • Support for 3rd party PTZ cameras
  • Optional hardware controller
  • NDI Control (including video preview) & VISCA over IP Control

Hardware Specs

Minimum Hardware Specs
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • CPU: Intel i7, AMD Ryzen 7 or equivalent
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA GTX1080 or greater (GPU must be NVIDIA to support CUDA)
  • RAM: 16GB
Recommended Hardware Specs
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • CPU: Intel i9, AMD Ryzen 9 or equivalent
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA RTX4000 (GPU must be NVIDIA to support CUDA)
  • RAM: 32GB

Polymotion Chat Pro is a low-cost automated subject tracking solution for up to 3 PTZ cameras where reliability and smooth natural movements are important.

The simple UI means any operator can concentrate on getting their message out, without having to worry about who is going to control the cameras. There is support for Panasonic, Sony, Birddog and many other 3rd Party PTZs. You can also mix vendors, controlling 3 different cameras at the same time.

Using limb and face detection software Polymotion Chat tracks subject movements and provides stable and natural-looking content. The camera agnostic automated subject tracking system is available for multiple broadcast and capture scenarios with 3 different solutions available.


Polymotion Chat’s computer vision engine detects limbs and builds a stick model to enable it to track subjects. This not only means the camera tracking system creates high-quality broadcast level output (without losing resolution — like some pan and scan systems), it is more reliable than other facial tracking solutions and is able to deal with occlusion — such as people crossing in front of each other. The system can be designed to work at any level, from simple 3 camera control for live streaming and conference evnets, through to multi-camera productions for broadcast. Polymotion Chat integrates with MRMC robotic heads and third party PTZs and studios systems.

Maximum number of tracking cameras 3 6 6
Slow, gentle, smooth movements like a cameraman Y Y Y
Support for 3rd party PTZ cameras & MRMC robotics Y Y Y
Real-time automated control Y Y Y
Optional hardware controller Y Y Y
Advanced tracking & framing, semi-automated & manual modes   Y Y
Tracking and non-tracking presets   Y Y
Facial recognition allowing for automated presets     Y
Scene recognition     Y
Advanced sequencing for pre-defined camera moves     Y
Presenter profiles     Y
Studio automation capable     Y
Support for complex robotics (free roaming pedestals, robotic arms)     Y
MRMC Polymotion Chat Pro
Polymotion Chat Pro

Simple automated PTZ tracking for upto 3 cameras

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